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[SC]Comment of the day, Russia betrayed Hungary.UPDATE

79 1,166 jour, 02:54 Published in Russia Russia

UPDATE Truth about HUN RU negotiations.

[url= savoir plus »

[SC]Clash of the Titans. UPDATED.

56 1,164 jour, 23:10 Published in Romania Romania

Just like old times, we fight for the IRON, this battle remember me the HelloKitty Lionking Karnataka battles.Pure … en savoir plus »


12 1,162 jour, 22:09 Published in Hungary Hungary

- Maniakusok.Megvalasztottatok. … en savoir plus »

[SC] Hol van az Elnok?

19 1,162 jour, 00:10 Published in Hungary Hungary

Ez mar a 3. antiAT cikkem, elso kettonek se lett semmi eredmenye ugyanis a csavo szentul megvan gyozodve … en savoir plus »

[SC]Impicsment.Palota forradalom.

59 1,161 jour, 12:37 Published in Hungary Hungary

Update megleptem a bankkal

Hat napja irtam egy … en savoir plus »