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[SC]Blood Brothers.

94 1,148 jour, 13:08 Published in Serbia Serbia


Some serbians are disappointed about Hungarian actions nowadays.But you need to know that we never ever... … en savoir plus »

[SC] Romania forever alone.[Update]

59 1,147 jour, 14:49 Published in Romania Romania

2000 C Romanias balls are melting.....

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

[SC]Brohterhud of eden....:#

21 1,147 jour, 13:55 Published in Poland Poland

Everything is fine in EDEN, we are all brothers in arms...NOT!

[url= savoir plus »

[SC]Fake kozlony.

22 1,147 jour, 01:03 Published in Hungary Hungary

Ez nem fake kozlony.Ne reportolja senki.Csak nincs jelszo a HM-hez az elnok pedig alszik.

Umbria kippipalva.

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[SC] Csata prioritas Horthy edition.

14 1,146 jour, 15:18 Published in Hungary Hungary

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »