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[SC]Noob aki nem NoB-ban harcol!

32 1,179 jour, 06:31 Published in Hungary Hungary

Kedves honfitarsaim es hisztis trollok.Kivancsi lennek, hogy egyesek miert nem utnek a megadott prioritasok es … en savoir plus »

[SC]The Boys from Brazil

101 1,178 jour, 22:59 Published in Brazil Brazil

Update (thx bubber)
Boys from Hungary, remember them from eSA?
[img][/[/img] … en savoir plus »

[SC] Bogdan's dreams.

49 1,172 jour, 08:39 Published in Romania Romania

9mil and for nothing
they spent a ton of gold.. so that cripples them a bit. it's
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[SC] Buda ostroma es Makiverray...

44 1,172 jour, 03:58 Published in Hungary Hungary

Volt egy cikkem nemreg Clash of the Titans cimmel, Most az akkor sebzes duplaja ment bele a roman-magyar csetepateba.. … en savoir plus »


38 1,168 jour, 06:06 Published in USA USA

Erepublik, not too distant future....

POTUS secret bunker in the Rocky Mountains....

[img]http://img209.[/img] … en savoir plus »