محیط روشن/خاموش

Honesty of a madman

33 873, 08:32 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

I sat here debating if this was a fitting title to this article as i grabbed the 3rd last beer(Not worried the candy store opens at noon) of the night or should i say morning. Anyways the Crimson is used to telling you how it is. Now its time for me

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Vote for the Official meanest eCanadian

36 855, 15:38 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

Its election day you bunch of lemmings. Time to be led off another cliff this month. If your gonna be led off a … بیشتر »

Fight Red

23 836, 02:41 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

If you a patriot of this country and you bleed Crimson Fight Red for gods sake. This is make or break time. Especially on election day.

Fight Red Canadians. Buy those … بیشتر »

15 ways to tell This man to shut his trap already

9 834, 12:54 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

I know I should be one of the last people to tell someone to shut up but come on already. 15 ways for this, 15 ways for that, blah blah blah. How many of these damn things … بیشتر »

I'm Bored

10 834, 11:54 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

I'm stuck in bed today watching movies and flippin back and forth between the Jackal and eRep crap. Its a damn boring day.

To cure my boredom i think i'm going to … بیشتر »