I'm Bored

Day 834, 11:54 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I'm stuck in bed today watching movies and flippin back and forth between the Jackal and eRep crap. Its a damn boring day.

To cure my boredom i think i'm going to raise funds to RW Delaware for the lulz. The Canadian Govt won't give us a fight so i think I will. Is one way to show the displeasure with the warless state of the nation.

Its 58.5 gold to start and I'm pledging 20 gold to the cause of having a war to fight in. Guns are 2 bucks a pop on the market and I think we should be using them up. Lets help out the weapons industry.

So send any gold donation to me if you wanna have a battle to fight in today. We can take out them Yanks.