[eSwi] Hello there!

Day 1,989, 21:05 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Hello eSwitzerland!

My name is Kaad, a RL Belgian coming after a stay in ePeru.

6 times Party President, 6 month ambassador in eFrance for eBelgium, 3 month vice-commander fro the Belgian Training Academy (Official MU for young players)and 62 times vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, I have already a great experience of this game. I was also the foundator of People of Justice, an organisation to fight PTO all over the eWorld.

But I'm not gona speak about the past, but about my future, my eSwiss future.

Since my eBirthday, I wrote a lot of articles: some serious like CP reports, alliance reports, war reports; and some less serious.

I saw that the news in eSwitzerland were very rare but it is gona change!

Maybe I can go times to times on IRC.

I want to became active: become a minister, a congressman and maybe one day a CP.

As the alliances are changing and PTO threats are real, we should do our maximum for the country and be prepared in case of a new World War. We should have a good team on with we can be confident, and good & wealthy players prepared for war.

I'm not acting for my ally, I'm always acting for the allies and friends of the country which I have the CS.

More will come soon!
Thanks for reading,