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Japanese are eating IRL Mudkips

6 Día 647, 02:54 Publicado en USA USA

I normally don't write about subjects that involve IRL things. But since our beloved mudkip internet meme does have relevance with this story i feel obliged to write this article after reading about a recent trend in Japan...


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Military Purge -

78 Día 637, 19:17 Publicado en USA USA

The military has begun to purge members who have vocally opposed Emerick's traitorous peace with PEACE plan.

As of now the order is - "We work for the government, no matter how fucked up we think it is, they pay our bills. Therefore we stfu and

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19 Día 635, 15:28 Publicado en USA USA

I remember a time when Americans absolutely refused to entertain the idea of surrender, appeasement, or cease fire with PEACE. That the idea of paying gold to reclaim territory was ridiculous and to even consider the idea borderline traitorous. I

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The potential of the USA - and eRepublik - Population Capacity

10 Día 625, 18:24 Publicado en USA USA

I was contacted recently by a friend upset with the war. He pointed out to me that perhaps the reason why we're losing is due to population. (PEACE nations have a larger population then that of our side - also the USA ranks 3rd in population right

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What do you do if your company is about to fall behind enemy lines.

7 Día 615, 13:49 Publicado en USA USA

Recently we lost California, and with it many companies. (even though when the timmer reached 00:00 America had won the day but battles continued into overtime... vey jacked up admin)

If we're in a battle again where your company happens to

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