Military Purge -

Day 637, 19:17 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

The military has begun to purge members who have vocally opposed Emerick's traitorous peace with PEACE plan.

As of now the order is - "We work for the government, no matter how fucked up we think it is, they pay our bills. Therefore we stfu and do our jobs - simple as that."

When some have raised concerns they were replied to with this: "it is reflecting badly on the entire AB when you shout stupid shit like that. You may think it is coming from you, a citizen, but your troops, who are on your friends list I am sure, see that shit, and then it creates dissent."

So the purpose of this censorship is to remove a % of criticism directed towards the policy makers (IE: President) In order to help maintain a favorable opinion of his policies. With the hope that those who support him will remain in the majority. So that he may remain in office. When you remain silent, you condone the actions. To me, this is unacceptable.

This is censorship

Every human being has a right to hear what other wise human beings have spoken to him. It is one of the Rights of Men; a very cruel injustice if you deny it to a man! ~Thomas Carlyle

So if you dare speak your mind, you will be thrown out of the military. No more funds, no more guns, nothing. I wonder how much better the military can organize itself, and cause damage to PEACE with a drone army? What will become of those who have been purged?

""Call it what you want, but you don't seem to understand the concept of following orders. If you want to do your own thing, go do it. I just gave you that ability to do it without having any sort of heat coming down on you from anyone else.
You really are missing the point here Rick...It's not about controlling subordinates it's about doing your job - simple as that.""

and yet...

I do follow orders,
I transfer the commands from the top to the bottom.
I go where i'm ordered, i fight where i'm told. (regardless of who is president.)
I make sure my guys are active
I find out problems and try to solve it without having my superiors worry about minor things.
I change jobs, pay taxes, spend hundreds of dollars for this war and others...
But omfg if he criticizes policy (regardless if he is still doing it) then he should be kicked to the curb. I'm glad this kind of policy will help win the war though. I'm sure this environment will enlist new members to the military.

The test of democracy is freedom of criticism.

This is why we need reform.
Failed policies need to be changed
Failed politicians need to be removed

82nd 2nd Platoon - Fight on - Never give up -
Former CO: Emperor Rick


PS: I am making a list of individuals who have been kicked, been warned, or have resigned for similar oppression of free speech within the military.

If you know anyone or have been in this situation please contact me.
Tell me your story