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[DemNL] Preliminary Congressional Election Results

3 Día 4,085, 08:12 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

Another day of congressional elections has passed and the preliminary vote counts are in! We are Democratisch Nederland are very pleased with the results. Our … leer más »

[NL] Weapons for Sale!

5 Día 4,077, 05:11 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

As you might have noticed last week I leer más »

[NL] Weapons on Sale

13 Día 4,069, 10:50 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

Every day I have 100 Q7 weapons on sale for eNL citizens. These 100 weapons will be sold in weapon packs of
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[NL] A Thank You From The eNL Citizens

7 Día 4,063, 13:41 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

I'm writing this article to raise awareness to those who truly contribute to our country. The year 2018 has ended and eNetherlands has seen many players who have played an important role in the
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[DemNL] Lottery Winners of The Re-draw

6 Día 4,057, 01:44 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

Every year I try to organize some sort of lottery during the Christmas holidays. … leer más »