[NL] Weapons for Sale!

Day 4,077, 05:11 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

As you might have noticed last week I published an article offering all NL citizens who fight using Q7 weapons the opportunity to purchase these weapons at a huge discount!

The idea was to supply eNL soldiers with 10 Q7 weapons every day to help them complete their Daily Orders. 10Q7 weapons equal the use of 1,000 energy which should be sufficient to do 25 kills easily. I'm happy to say that there are several people who have sent me the 850cc (85cc per Q7 weapon) to purchase these weapon packs.

Every day I'm offering 10 players the chance to purchase 10 Q7 weapons selling 100 Q7 weapons in total. Have a look at some of the people who have tried this innitiative out so far. As you can see in the image below I'm not receiving 10 requests every day. Don't feel like you're taking opportunities away from others by purchasing these 10 weapons. It seems like there is plenty of supply to satisfy demand.

If you want to receive 10 Q7 weapons every day make sure you send me 850cc every day! I'm not selling bulk in this program. I will accept your donation and send you the weapons asap. If I missed your donation for some reason (I receive a lot of notifications every day) your money will be returned. If I receive more than 10 weapon requests I will reject your donation or I may decide to supply you with 10 weapons anyway.

Keep fighting and getting stronger!

Yours truly,

Party President of Democratisch Nederland