[DemNL] Preliminary Congressional Election Results

Day 4,085, 08:12 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

Another day of congressional elections has passed and the preliminary vote counts are in! We are Democratisch Nederland are very pleased with the results. Our party received 22 votes during yesterdays election day!

With 41.51% of the votes Democratisch Nederland has the right to fill 9 congressional seats. This month we had 8 congressional candidates ready to perform their duty for the love of country.

Interesting this term is the low number of votes for the Revolution et Libertas party (6) compared to previous month (13).

The total number of votes during this months congressional elections is 1 vote less than previous month which was 1 vote less than the month before that. However the overal vote distribution remained relatively the same. Could it be that ReL has placed its trust in DemNL?

Yours truly,

Party president of Democratisch Nederland