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Minister of Entertainment - One joke for 25 comments

13 Día 2,477, 06:58 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

An old man walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender notices the guy's head is the size of a cue ball.

"I got to ask, sir," says the bartender. "What happened?"

The old guy sighs and tells him, "My ship was torpedoed by the Germans in

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Minister of Entertainment - Walks Into a Bar... Got Grapes?

5 Día 2,476, 02:38 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

A duck walks into a bar and asks, "Got any grapes?"

The bartender, confused, tells the duck no. The duck thanks him and leaves.

The next day, the duck returns and asks, "Got any grapes?"

Again, the bartender tells him, "No -- the bar … leer más »

Minister of Entertainment - Walks Into a Bar... Seeing-Eye Dog

2 Día 2,471, 10:31 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

A blind man walks into a bar with his seeing-eye dog. He stands in the center of the bar, takes the dog by the chain, and starts swinging him above his head.

Everyone stops and stares. Upset about the way the animal is being treated, a man runs

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Minister of Entertainment - Walks Into a Bar... Three Tests

9 Día 2,468, 17:46 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

A new guy in town walks into a bar and notices a large jar filled to the brim with $10 bills. The man approaches the bartender and asks, "What's up with the jar?"

"Well, you pay $10, and if you pass three tests, then you get all the money."


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Miister of Entertainment - The Engineer at the Golf Course

0 Día 2,439, 18:49 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

A pastor, a doctor and an engineer wait for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumes, "What's with these guys? We've been waiting for 15 minutes!"

The pastor says, "Hey, here comes the groundskeeper. Let's have a word with him."

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