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Personal newspaper, focused on politics and community

Holiday greeting

10 Día 1,862, 01:07 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

No matter where you are:

[img]http://farm6.static.[/img] … leer más »

TUP and MaryamQ for Congress

11 Día 1,831, 06:00 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hello, eUK,

Some of you may have seen here that I am running for Congress this month under the banner of TUP. It is quite possible that some of you

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Celebration Giveaway!

35 Día 1,818, 11:08 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hello, friends!

It’s been a while since I’ve written an article, and this is the first since I was welcomed into the eUK. While I have been enjoying settling in here, I have had the privilege of achieving a goal I have literally fought long and

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A Letter to eBelgium

25 Día 1,779, 11:17 Publicado en Poland Poland Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Dear eBelgium,

I have been planning this article for a little while, and it was honestly my hope to be firm but kind, but the last two days have destroyed most of the caring I had left. I have been a member of the eBe community for

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Pictures of My World

29 Día 1,662, 15:52 Publicado en USA USA Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hello, eFriends,

Recently, I have seen a number of articles with pictures of the beautiful places other players live in RL. Having spent a large part of my eLife in close contact with RL Europeans, I realize that a lot of you have no idea what

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