A Letter to eBelgium

Day 1,779, 11:17 Published in Poland USA by MaryamQ

Dear eBelgium,

I have been planning this article for a little while, and it was honestly my hope to be firm but kind, but the last two days have destroyed most of the caring I had left. I have been a member of the eBe community for approximately 2-1/2 years, which is 5/6 of my eLife. For most of that time, I was active. I have served 2 terms as CP, 2 as PP, 13 in Congress and 2 on the Supreme Court. I have been minister or underminister in enough governments that I have lost track, prime minister twice, and VP this term. I am in my second term as forum moderator. I have been a supply officer since May and have served as interim commander of BNA while tecuvo was away. I have written or edited numerous laws, new editions of our constitution, and in-game articles. I have taken care to sell my goods on the eBelgian market to help the tax income, even when that meant hardship for me. I have, in fact, dug into my own pocket, in-game and in RL, many times, to make donations or just to keep my soldier employees working. I am telling you this, not to brag or to make myself appear unique. There are quite a few others who have done similar work, whether on the front lines or behind the scenes. I am trying to show the kind of love and service that I and others have given to this community. However, for me, that is at an end, and I want you to know why, and think about whether this is the way you want things to be.

Internal conflict isn’t new to this community, of course, or to most communities in the game. It is especially noticeable and sometimes painful in a community like eBe because we are so small, but it is present everywhere. Many of us have survived big internal fights within the forum community repeatedly and have come out more or less intact. However, in the last several months these fights have become increasingly toxic. In fact, this was one of the reasons I chose to become a supply officer and get out of politics. Sadly, even when I kept myself politically on the fringes, this has built up to a point where I no longer feel able to tolerate it, and for this reason, I am leaving the eBe community with no immediate plans to return.

I am not claiming that either “side” in these conflicts is completely to blame or completely blameless. Nevertheless, I have become thoroughly sick of seeing people I know have worked and given of themselves through countless days and nights for the good of the whole eNation targeted as villains and enemies of the people, and this by people who frankly have done little or nothing to help their fellow citizens. I am reasonably certain that the principal reason I have mostly escaped these attacks is that I am female and a grandmother. I am disgusted to find that people who should be able to see the difference between the two groups are gleefully joining in the bashing of others, apparently obtaining some sick pleasure from it.

Most of all, I am sick and tired of the constant whining and complaining about how nothing happens here, and yet, when we finally have a trial membership in an alliance, which some have been clamoring for as long as many of our citizens have been eAlive, a chance to have something to fight for and people we can count on to fight for us, these same complainers risk throwing it all away to make or support rogue natural enemy proposals. This has been done two days in a row, by former CPs, people who claim some knowledge of how things work and that eBe has heretofore been boring because of a lack of opportunities to fight. I cannot even begin to fathom what or even if they are thinking, nor can I comprehend the followers who jump to support them. What is the fun in destroying everything that has been worked for in the last several months?

Some of you will say I am cowardly to run away at this point. Others, ones whom I trust and admire, say I should have done it much sooner. As I said on the forum, I think you will soon see I am not the only one making this decision. This doesn’t mean I will quit the game. I will be somewhere out in the eWorld. Those I really care about, and you know who you are, will know where to find me.

For crying out loud, eBe! Wake up and pull yourselves together before you poison this community beyond hope of recovery!
