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Personal newspaper, focused on politics and community

A Tale of Two eCitizens

28 Día 2,030, 11:09 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Author’s note: Any resemblance to the work of a known author, living or dead, is coincidence – really!

It was the best of games, it was the worst of games, it was played in wisdom, it was played in foolishness, it inspired belief, it … leer más »

Need a hero?

34 Día 2,004, 12:42 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Some theme music for your listening/viewing pleasure

eRepublik is a game filled with heroes, and the … leer más »

Announcing noitadnuoF!

18 Día 1,988, 07:54 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Fellow eBelgians,

As many of you know, eBelgium recently lost one of its top fighters and an all around good guy, Backwards. It has been widely publicized that he donated a large amount of gold to the eBelgian state, but less well known is that

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Res Belgica Congress candidates, April

5 Día 1,982, 15:46 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Res Belgica is proud to present its list of candidates for this election cycle.

1 Jofroi
Jofroi is one of the oldest and most experienced players in eBelgium. He has been a member of Congress an incredible number of times, has held many other

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Hello again, eBe

30 Día 1,948, 08:58 Publicado en Belgium Belgium Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hello eBelgium,

Three years ago next month, on 17 April 2010, I was accepted as an eBelgian citizen by Mike Wooldridge, who was unknown to me at the time but later became a friend and an ally. Little did I know that he would change my eLife by

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