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[Prez Sez] So you want to be a Pakistani citizen?

14 Day 749, 10:54 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

         ∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ´∀`) < Oh look, another crappy looking Tablecat.
       /   |   | It's the eRepublik difference™
      /      .|   \________  
      / "⌒ヽ  |.イ |
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  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \

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You… you… Double President (rewritten)

19 Day 747, 14:41 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

I decided to rewrite this as it was just a giant copy pasta and most of the views really didn't reflect my values. Me caring what other countries think of Pakistan? HA HA!

In a stunning turn of events, I'm not just President, I … read more »

The National Goals

10 Day 741, 02:49 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Well I usually ignore the Wig's newspaper but I just noticed that we need to set presidential/national goals now. Oh Thank Heavens, more useless features.

So the options are
Society - increase population %
Economic - increased GDP %

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Hello Pakistan

5 Day 737, 12:52 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Keep being awesome.

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Delicious cake... you must eat it!

8 Day 732, 03:36 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

So it looks like we've become an unhealthy new world and replaced bread with cake.

Do not worry, I can assure you that Pakistani cake is made with 100% Sand and 100% Hambuga. … read more »