You… you… Double President (rewritten)

Day 747, 14:41 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by BGBW

I decided to rewrite this as it was just a giant copy pasta and most of the views really didn't reflect my values. Me caring what other countries think of Pakistan? HA HA!

In a stunning turn of events, I'm not just President, I am the Double President. Just check my profile and you'll see I've apparently been President twice even though this is my first time (Oooh cheeky).

As we all know this election roughly marks two years of the God Emperor. Who would have thunk some of us would still be around to keep the good name of Pakistan alive. Who would have thunk that me, an annoying trip...user... would be President. But here I am, now I can rock you like a hurricane.

So what do I want to do now that I have the Power. Well first and foremost admire my shiny medals, then polish me knob and then perhaps these fine tasks:

1. Get the PS3 some games.
2. Free Quarter Pounders for all citizens.
3. Tonight's the night.
4. Educate the masses on why Pakistan is still the best thing since sliced bread.

Now due to "popular" demand we need a cabinet. I, myself, keep my clothes in a chest of drawers and a wardrobe, so my cabinet was free to be used. So now I have a bunch of lovely strong men in my cabinet who I can beckon out whenever I need. Hope it doesn't get too hot in there, or maybe it'll make it better. Steamy.

TA DAH! It's the Cabinetmajig BETA 0.4

President - Me duh.
Secretary of State - Ahsan Shahbaz
Secretary of Defense - Pak_Land
Secretary of the Treasury - Stiggeh
Secretary of the Interior - Erik Knauf
Secretary of Extra Dimensional Affairs - JohnFreeman
Chief of Police - JohnFreeman
The Pope - JohnFreeman
Grand Warlock - JohnFreeman
Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Defence Arrangements - Grawflemaul
Grand Priest of Pseudo-Religious Defense - DeerKill
Community MOD - AgentChieftain
Minister of Space - btdwn
Commissar Of Hambuga - Reshev Villanova
King of Loans - Sern Thael
Viceroy for Pakistan's Colonies in France - Anonymous90
Comes back and begs for more - jkd

I'm glad we have a volunteer for decorating as the Ministry has seen better days.

If you want to be in this fine and dandy gang just drop me a line and I consult me me associates and you might just make it.

one large coke please lol'd
pakistan = mcdonald's

Does anything else need to be addressed? Well I've heard rumblings that the Iranian President wants to counquer some of our regions because he thinks they were originally his. HAHA, blocko needs to buy (HA HA buy) an Atlus. His Geography is rubbish.

>Implying Dio Brando isn't the ruler of The World.