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Dioism Thread is no More.

12 Day 720, 03:45 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

The Wigs have commited one of the greatest sins and deleted the great Dioism thread, holder of the awards for
*Best Thread
*Longest Thread
*Thread that contributed most to eRepublik
*God's Choice Award
*People's Choice Award
*The People Who

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To Those Who Require Citizenship

11 Day 700, 02:50 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

[img]http://[/img] … read more »

Gibe Citizenship Plos

5 Day 694, 05:05 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Or I report U

Pro Tip: Telling me you want to set up a company in Pakistan is really not the best tactic to getting citizenship.
Pro Tip 2: Since y'know we don't like non-Dioist companies here.
Pro Tip 3: Also the lack of

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Macistan Tonight!

2 Day 666, 03:21 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

When the clock strikes half past 6, babe
Time to head for golden lights
It's a good time for the great sand -- Muda!
At Macistan, it's Dio Tonight
Come on, make it Dio Tonight!

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So I heard...

6 Day 644, 15:11 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

>victor is really cool
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノ ヽノ \ / \/ \

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