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The Observer- #2 May 3rd

8 Day 530, 00:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello and welcome to this edition of the Observer. It has been a very exciting week for us this week, and for more than one reason! Firstly, I would like to welcome lord141 to the … read more »

The Observer- #1 26/4/09

17 Day 523, 04:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello, and welcome to the first edition of The Observer. This is a paper that over the coming weeks and possibly months will be bringing you up to date information on all aspects of eRepublik life in the eUK, namely a section on politics, a

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[UKRP] Adehorne for North West Congress!

0 Day 520, 08:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

[These people don't have a paper so I have published their articles for them]

Hi, My name is Adehorne and i am running for a congress position. I am fairly new to the world, but have acheived level 13 already. I believe that i am a good listener

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[UKRP] Wahiba for north West Congress!

4 Day 520, 08:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

[These people don't have a paper so I have published their articles for them]

Hi, I'm Wahiba,

I’m new on eRepublik (only 3 months) and joined UKRP for its centre-right, libertarian orientation, even though I don’t think that will have much of

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[UKRP] IndieKid for Y&H Congress

16 Day 518, 13:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello, my name is IndieKid and I stand before you as the UKRP candidate for Yorkshire and Humberside. For those new to the game, I represented this region twice before, in the January and February terms of congress. I was instrumental in setting up

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