[UKRP] Adehorne for North West Congress!

Day 520, 08:21 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

[These people don't have a paper so I have published their articles for them]

Hi, My name is Adehorne and i am running for a congress position. I am fairly new to the world, but have acheived level 13 already. I believe that i am a good listener and being new can appreciate how hard it can be to get on in the world. I plan to use my seat to listen to the people i would represent and bring their concerns to the forefront. I also believe that every person should have their opinion heard, so even if i don't agree with what you want i will still put it forward to the congress.
It is my hope that you will vote for me to be placed in the congress and be a true representative to what you want.