[UKRP] Wahiba for north West Congress!

Day 520, 08:19 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

[These people don't have a paper so I have published their articles for them]

Hi, I'm Wahiba,

I’m new on eRepublik (only 3 months) and joined UKRP for its centre-right, libertarian orientation, even though I don’t think that will have much of an importance here. I am new in politics, and I may not be used to the way things are going around here, but I think sometimes the enthusiasm coming from a newbie compensates.
I’m not going to keep this short: I won’t make any promises, because as I said I’m new in here and I can’t sell the bread I haven’t baked yet. What I can do promise is to sustain the ‘formulas’ that will prove themselves to work.
