The real SEES - a must read!

Day 983, 15:06 Published in USA South Africa by SamGibz

This article is to expose what SEES really is. I approached my short investigation with an open mind. I hoped that it really was trying to do the right thing, the wrong way. If its heart was in the right place, I am willing to work with it. I have not had any bad feelings towards any of these people, nor do I now as what you are about to see does not concern me directly. I just observed through a window so to speak, and took a peek to what was going on inside. It does make interesting reading. I have taken out some of the boring bits, Bob joined #SEES-Vuvuzela etc... They are in two parts as I missed events in the middle as I had dinner and then had to do some ironing. Unfortunatly I am unable to past it here so please read">here. ENJOY!

So there we have it. They admit to wanting to PTO. We know their targets. We know what Judean Princess thinks of Stagnation. It is up to you to make up your own minds about who these people really are.

If you want the full conversation PM and I will send you a copy.

President of eSouth Africa