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A good deed - help Norway against TO [U, S and A]

4 Day 501, 05:58 Published in USA USA

Good day allies.

As many of you probably know, Norway is once again in a tricky situation. Hungarians have taken over our beautiful country's congress, with the intentions of destroying our relationship with Atlantis nations. We're already in a

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A good deed - help Norway against TO [United Kingdom]

6 Day 501, 05:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Good day allies.

As many of you probably know, Norway is once again in a tricky situation. Hungarians have taken over our beautiful country's congress, with the intentions of destroying our relationship with Atlantis nations. We're already in a

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A good deed - help Norway against TO [Sverige]

14 Day 501, 05:46 Published in Sweden Sweden

Englsih version below.

God morgon grabbar och flickor!

Som mange av dere allerede vet er Norge nok en gang i en vanskelig situasjon. Ungarere har tatt over kongressen i vårt vakre fedreland, med en plan om å ødelegge våre forbindelser med

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[España] Una buena acción: ayudar a Noruega a evitar el TO

14 Day 501, 05:25 Published in Spain Spain

Buenos días, aliados,

Como muchos de vosotros sabréis, Noruega vuelve a estar una vez más en una situación peligrosa. Los húngaros han tomado el congreso de nuestro bello país con la intención de destruir nuestra relación con las naciones de

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A good deed - help Norway against TO [Romanei]

10 Day 501, 05:19 Published in Romania Romania

Good day allies.

As many of you probably know, Norway is once again in a tricky situation. Hungarians have taken over our beautiful country's congress, with the intentions of destroying our relationship with Atlantis nations, especially Romania.

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