A good deed - help Norway against TO [U, S and A]

Day 501, 05:58 Published in USA Norway by heivoll

Good day allies.

As many of you probably know, Norway is once again in a tricky situation. Hungarians have taken over our beautiful country's congress, with the intentions of destroying our relationship with Atlantis nations. We're already in a sort of emergency, but it will be so much worse if we also loose the presidental seat in the upcoming elections.

Because of this, I ask you as an ally, and an everyday citizen with compassion, to help us fight off this TO by denying the Hungarians the presidental seat. All you need to do is to move to any Norwegian region on the 5th of april and vote for Cirno. Cirno is the candidate all the true Norwegians have gathered around.

Also, we do have plans on how to avoid TOs in the future, so this won't be a monthly request 🙂

All help will of course be deeply appreciated, and we will do our best to give you the same support in the future.

- heivoll
Norwegian Minister of Public Relations