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Fight green in Volga-Vyatka [Official statement]

20 Day 498, 17:15 Published in Norway Norway

Sorry for the rather late information, I see that others have beat me to the punch. Anyway...

The ongoing RW in Volga Vyatka region is not supported by the Norwegian government or

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Fight green in North Caucasus / Kjemp grønt i North Caucasus

10 Day 495, 10:34 Published in Norway Norway

The current RW going on in North Caucasus is not sanctioned by the Norwegian government, and therefore is an attack on Norway. We urge everyone to fight green in this war. Go to Sørlandet to enjoy our q5 hospital and thus gain wellness while doing a

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[Official statement] The lending of Urals to Romania

25 Day 486, 08:40 Published in Norway Norway

As many of you have seen, Norway declared war to Romania, who then attacked Urals region (which was given by the president pushing the retreat button). This was, of course, a planned action to temporarily let Romania control this region.


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Déjà vu - fight green

12 Day 483, 08:07 Published in Norway Norway

Another RW started by a random Brazilian. This time it is more serious, as we're no longer protected by the contract with the Russians. Stay tuned, and fight green!

PS: Orders for all troops from CiC bohlamon is to stand by and get your eAsses

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[Congress] Congress member participation - go to

4 Day 475, 09:21 Published in Norway Norway

First of all read Spring Teodor's article on the subject.

This has certainly been written before, but I will make a new attempt to reach

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