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What's yer fear?

6 Day 766, 19:33 Published in USA USA

As we gather with our families to celebrate Christmas, I'm sure we are all pondering our greatest and most dreadful fears. Mine's heights. It started about 10 years ago on a flight back from Chicago. I don't remember much, but after we landed I was

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Angst! What's Your Fear?

7 Day 763, 22:52 Published in USA USA

As we gather with our families to celebrate Christmas, I'm sure we are all pondering our greatest and most dreadful fears. Mine's heights. It started about 10 years ago on a flight back from Chicago. I don't remember much, but after we landed I was

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New Org. Sorta Up and Running.

1 Day 754, 22:41 Published in USA USA

If You agree with the basics, join and particpate. … read more »

Anyone else want in on the creation of this Org.?

19 Day 752, 19:34 Published in USA USA

I and couple fellow ecitizens (and my Dark Passenger) are kicking around a platform for a new Organization. The broad goals of the org. so far are:

1- Maintain the Brolliance. (Arguments for each point will, of course, be fleshed out.)


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An Anti-Imperialist League?

34 Day 748, 23:44 Published in USA USA

If anyone else thinks joining the Eden alliance is a … read more »