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A Caption Contest for the Masses (So It's Come to This....)

70 Day 880, 00:38 Published in Canada Canada

Everyone loves a caption contest (I said, EVERYONE LOVES A CAPTION CONTEST!) Thank you. Anyhow, since I 've been deluged with pm's begging for just such a competition, I've decided to give in and give the people (Hi, Emma Scott!) what they want.

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My Platform for Congress

3 Day 855, 19:38 Published in Canada Canada

My Platform to Represent British Columbia in Congress (Part I).

1) The Brolliance is the only Alliance that Fundamentally Matters.
2) Income taxes are too high.
3)There are too few eCanadians.
4) Can a brother get a Q5 Hospital in British

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My Platform for Congress, Part I (Roman numerals kick ass!)

4 Day 852, 02:00 Published in Canada Canada

My Platform to Represent British Columbia in Congress (Part I).

1) The Brolliance is the only Alliance that Fundamentally Matters.
2) Income taxes are too high.
3)There are too few eCanadians

Our income tax rate is ruinous is this

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I'm Running for Congress. (How's that for a catchy headline!)

5 Day 850, 19:42 Published in Canada Canada

Platform will appear in next article. (How's that for a gripping lead sentence!)

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And the Winner of The ERepublik Bad Writing Contest is....

8 Day 847, 18:54 Published in Canada Canada

Emma Scott! (One Gold has been sent to her account)

for this submission:

"Lampshades and picks have held an important role in erepublik history, having been there from the start and existing even to today but no one appreciates them

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