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The Paper of Mr Woldy.

An Archive for eUK and eRep!


16 Day 2,846, 14:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


[img][/img] … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 11

3 Day 2,842, 09:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!
A quick summary is as follows:
There has been 2 fatalities!
The Golden Briefcase has been found!
Two searches … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 10

5 Day 2,836, 01:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!
A quick summary is as follows:
There have been 3 fatalities!
The Golden Briefcase has been dropped!
One search … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 9

4 Day 2,830, 02:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!
A quick summary is as follows:
There has been on combat, and one fatality!
Air Raids have been launched from the … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 8

5 Day 2,827, 11:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!
A quick summary is as follows:
There has been no combats!
Six searches took place.
The Golden Briefcase thought read more »