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The Paper of Mr Woldy.

An Archive for eUK and eRep!

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 7

3 Day 2,823, 23:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!
A quick summary is as follows:
Two participants entered the same quadrant.
There has been one combat and one fatality! … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 6

3 Day 2,818, 01:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


As a quick note, you will have noticed DI is taking long time to process turns. This is because I have a new job, and updated will likely occur between once or twice a week from now on. … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 5

4 Day 2,813, 00:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!
A quick summary is as follows:

There were no combats this round, so no one is dead!
The EMP has triggered.
Some … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 4

9 Day 2,803, 01:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!

1 player has been killed!

Here is a quick overview of the map and movements as it stands at the end of day 3:
[ … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 3

6 Day 2,800, 02:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!

Here is a quick overview of the map and movements as it stands at the end of day 2:
[img][/img] … read more »