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The Paper of Mr Woldy.

An Archive for eUK and eRep!

Month in Review - Addendum to Constitution

9 Day 3,027, 15:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Citizens!

Apologies for being off the grid for many days and not having published an article in a while. I find it tricky being Dictator as I often feel guilty speaking publicly, or even … read more »

Christmas Speech 2k15

31 Day 2,956, 04:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Chrimbo Speech

Each year, as part of being King and what not, I try to get a short christmas speech out, usually including a festive carol, just like the real life … read more »

Are you a Spamican or a Spamican't

8 Day 2,907, 12:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Over the past two weeks a rogue liberation was staged on the eUK’s political system - it was an inevitability, as determination exponentially increases you can hardly blame some rich … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 18

4 Day 2,896, 01:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Happy sunday!

Sorry it’s been three weeks, since the last turn of DI, but I have been settling into a new job as a till monkey.

Move orders have been received, and combats have … read more »

Escape from Dictator Island! - Day 17

3 Day 2,876, 05:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Move orders have been received, and combats have been resolved!
There has been nothing!
The Royal Marines struck two players!

Here is a quick overview of the map and movements read more »