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With Friends Like This...

34 Day 1,706, 09:54 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

A little mood music fitting of the current state of the Broliance

In his most recent article, Evry once

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If You Were The PotUS...A Writing Contest

10 Day 1,704, 15:55 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I produced an article earlier today entitled, "If I Was The PotUS". It can be very easy to criticize the actions of an individual when you yourself choose not to put your own ideas out there for judgement. Part of the reason for my writing was

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If I Was The PotUS...

16 Day 1,704, 07:27 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

In his most recent article, the PotUS gives us an update on a variety of small issues but again misses the mark in hitting on the greater issues of the day. With the

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Northern Exposure - 7/19/2012

13 Day 1,702, 10:55 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Special Props to WallyCleaver for our new banner artwork.

Northern Exposure: 7/19/2012

We are LIVE on air at 14:30 read more »

An Ex-Pat's View On Current Affairs

21 Day 1,701, 07:35 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

A little theme music for today’s article:

Its just after 4 PM in Amsterdam and I am sitting in my hotel getting ready to go out for the evening...a night in the Red Light District seems

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