If I Was The PotUS...

Day 1,704, 07:27 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

In his most recent article, the PotUS gives us an update on a variety of small issues but again misses the mark in hitting on the greater issues of the day. With the first blow of the Can-Am war being dealt by Canada in Manitoba, one would think that there would have been more insight and explanation from the man pushing the buttons, especially in light of the peace proposal that is now on the table from eCan CP, Rylde.

In my most recent podcast, I criticized Evry for his lack of communication and I again renew that criticism today. It does not matter HOW Canada won the opening salvo, it only matter that they won, and are now offering a resolution. It is painfully apparent who the adult is at the discussion table. Their NE was declined and proposed by a rogue Congressman who MAY or MAY NOT have been bribed. Ours was proposed by our elected HEAD of STATE and was then EXEC ORDERED to be passed. Their CP wins the opening battle and then gracefully releases an article calling for peace and the beginning of healing while the PotUS releases an article and devotes two or three lines to this current conflict and instead suggests we be ready to win the next battle.

Say what you want about Rylde and eCanada, you can’t deny that only one party in this situation is truly looking to right the ship. Perhaps its just my age that colours my perspective on this, but when two sides that have been so close for so long, have a fight, and one side then says, “Hey this is stupid, lets fix it”, you have to think the other side will always try to meet them halfway. Instead, this Administration once again shows us its true colours and snubs a genuine peace effort.

Adding to this issue is the recent call for the deployment of the USAF assets to France in an effort to fend off a Polish attack...the same Poland the PotUS earlier wanted to align with. Does Evry not realize that with an impending attack on a US core region, there is going to have to be a decision made on priorities? Do we want to help France or do we want to defend our core regions? What is it going to be big guy? Does the current offer of peace negotiations not take on even greater meaning now in the face of a deployment to France?

If I was Rylde, and I am not, I might be inclined to take this most recent public snubbing of my offer, and then leverage an attack against a core region at a time when USAF assets are most tied up in the Polish-French conflict. The time for Canada to strike is now and mechanics alone will make sure it happens.

There is about a 7 day window before a NE can be altered. 7 glorious days to work out some kind of solution to this mess and fix a broken relationship. Congressional elections are coming, and on the heels of them, are Presidentials. NOW is the time to act with swift and decisive movements towards peace. This is not the time to continue war mongering while providing fluffy and sporadic updates.

I plan on running for Congress. Not because I think I am better than anyone else, but because I truly want to be part of the solution. I want to play a hand in bringing back the proud and strong relationship that once existed between our nations. We need a fire and brimstone bromance, not this icy affair we are currently operating under.

If I was the PotUS, my priorities would be:

- Enter into talks with Rylde to end this conflict peacefully and with as little embarrassment as possible

- Renew MPP’s with Nations that historically have shown a commitment to fighting alongside us and are not known backstabbers or two timers

- Smooth over the Civil War like atmosphere that has developed by uniting the nation on a common military front against a ONE nation

- Begin transparent and daily press releases to the public to establish an open and firm line of communication on issues that matter...avoiding the appearance of being aloof

- Re-establish our presence in the allied portfolio as a reliable and trustworthy partner, even if we don’t have formal alliances at this stage so that our currency carries value when we need their help.

- Admit that an egregious error was made in pursuing the CTRL portfolio and man up on who was responsible for bringing us to the almost point of no return

I am not the PotUS...but if I was, these are the sorts of things I would be focusing on putting into motion. There is still time for this administration to save face and do the right thing. The nation is not lost...yet. If however you continue down this path of narcissistic self indulgence, the cost may be greater than any of us can possibly imagine.

Time to do the right thing...the question is Mr. President...will you?

God Bless America!

Yours In National Unity,