An Ex-Pat's View On Current Affairs

Day 1,701, 07:35 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

A little theme music for today’s article:

Its just after 4 PM in Amsterdam and I am sitting in my hotel getting ready to go out for the evening...a night in the Red Light District seems fitting after the recent rash of events.

I am an E😜at. Having called eCanada home for the biggest part of my eLife, having governed it as the head of state twice over, and having served the country in many capacities, today is a day of reckoning for me. Its also somewhat hypocritical that I am placed in the very real possibility of having to fight my own former country, when I raged so long and hard against the actions of the EPC only a few months ago...referring to them as traitors and enemies of the state. Karma is a tough woman to date and more often than not, it is YOU who ends up tied to the bed having your ass handed to you.

So here I sit, a citizen of the eUnited States, a proud member of one of the most devastating MU’s in game, and on the verge of watching my country go to war against my former home. The whole situation has left me torn.

We will say that Code-Y declared war first and our actions were merely a response to hostile intentions. I am hearing rumours that the POTUS issued an Executive Order to support the NE proposal. We will point the finger at eCanada like a child points a finger at their best friend while crying out, “But he did it first!!”. Funny, my parents always used to tell me, “If so and so jumped off a bridge, would you jump off too just because he did?”. Likewise, when I tried to use the “He did it first defence”, it was never a very good defence against the, “You still opted to do it and now you’re going to be punished for it”. In the end, the situation usually wrapped up with my friend and I being at odds for a few days and me not being able to sit down comfortably for an hour or two.

So here I sit, just like in the past, watching as my friend does something I know is wrong, and trying to convince myself that doing the same thing makes me just as wrong as the first person. The only difference is, I am much older and supposedly much more mature now. My age and experiences have given me perspective and I think I need it.

That being said, I will NOT attack eCanadian original regions. IF their NE passes first and we are attacked, then God Bless America, I will defend her soil from the Syrup Miners and I will do so with vigor and zest. When the initiative turns and we end up attacking an original eCanadian region, I will not fight. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I encourage all those in positions of power, to come together and sort this out. There are far more effective ways to solve this problem, but if the Syrup Miners insist on attacking us and attempt to make inroads into my beloved American Home, I WILL bring it like I’ve never brought it before. Let me leave you with something to think about before you attack my new home...lets just call it my official press statement on any attempt to take our regions. Here is my vision of how these negotiations for peace are going to occur and my official position on any attempt to attack my home: Ezekiel 25:17

See you soon...hopefully it wont be on a battlefield.

God Bless America

Yours In National Unity,