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Northern Ireland has some manufacturing jobs for you

0 Day 685, 13:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Northern Ireland has created a new q1 weapons company. As I'm sure you can believe; it needs employees!
We currently have 3 different types of offering:
Skill 2 : 2.15GBP (if there is a better offer on the job market; PM me and I will arrange for

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eNorthern Ireland Congressional Debates

0 Day 643, 07:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This has been something of a wee tradition the last few months, and can be a helpful aid in guiding the citizen in their choice of vote. Thanks to all three candidates who took the time to respond to the questions. Please vote this article up, and

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An update, from Congressman Anaxima

4 Day 469, 09:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

A Norn Iron update

It’s been a busy week for all of the eUK, especially with prime minister elections coming up and lots of activity in the House of Commons. In eNorthern Ireland we haven't just been lazing around either. This week the vote to

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1 Day 465, 20:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

As reported on the forums and here on eRepublik itself, there is a national shortage of funds to assist the NHS in it's current role. A lot of this financial shortage is not through the … read more »

Welcome to the Social Benefits experiment

1 Day 433, 11:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This idea is a joint project by many of our active citizens in Northern Ireland, which is driven by the Congressional Office. The question is why?

Well apart from such a project crossing party and idealogical lines, this project is carried on the

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