Day 465, 20:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by NI Social Benefits Office

As reported on the forums and here on eRepublik itself, there is a national shortage of funds to assist the NHS in it's current role. A lot of this financial shortage is not through the fault of the government itself, but more the issue of players who 'sponge' off the NHS wellness gifting system, and who do very little or no work at all. Of course, there will and have been many articles about this, so we will not dwell on this too much at the Tribune.

However, we do wish to highlight the recent announcment by Senate Speaker, Jacen Molare regarding an alternative helping hand through the auspices of NISBO. Working together, the Senate, and the regional NHS Director for eNI, Will Salmon, aim to continue to provide help and assistance for all citizens of eNI who desperately need help. All those who are currently under 40 wellness points are encouraged to contact NISBO here;

We would also encourage all citizens to work hard to gain higher levels and XP, which can allow you more cash. This in turn allows you to buy better quality food, which as we all know keeps us fit and strong (and increasing in wellness each day!). Of course, NISBO does not have the resources to help 'spongers' and even if it did, indications are it would not help those who choose not to work for themselves. Also, noises out of NISBO suggest that if it is swamped with requests for aid, it will be giving priority to those who are registered citizens of eNI on the forums, which can be found here;

For those who have ANY enquiries about life in eNI, or wish to become more involved, NISBO is here to help. For those on the forums, we have a number of competitons and drives which benefit YOU, the citizen (from free housing give-aways, to receiving a cash bonus for every person you introduce to the forum), and encourage as many citizens as we can to be involved. eLife is about community, and that community can be found on the forums. So come along, pop in for a e-pint, and have the craic!

The Tribune