An update, from Congressman Anaxima

Day 469, 09:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by NI Social Benefits Office

A Norn Iron update

It’s been a busy week for all of the eUK, especially with prime minister elections coming up and lots of activity in the House of Commons. In eNorthern Ireland we haven't just been lazing around either. This week the vote to pass a constitution for the Senate of eNorthern Ireland passed unanimously and is now in effect. If you are curious about the Senate and want to get involved you can find it here in the eUK forums;

In other news the local NHS clinic has been reopened and is once again able to help the citizens of eNorthern Ireland with gifting. Hopefully we will soon have a permanent solution so we won't be forced to shut down this service ever again.

There are many other events taking place on our regional forums, it seems the recent regional wars has stirred up a lot of activity and it looks like eNorthern Ireland will participate in these as well!

My fellow congresswoman has held a competition and delivered a house to one of the homeless in the region just as she promised in her manifesto. Congrats to the winner bd16!

Speaking of housing, after upgrading my own I will auction off my old Q3 house in our to the highest bidder. With a bit of luck you might get it really cheap (although that would not be so lucky for me!)

-Anaxima, member of congress - representing eNorthern Ireland

Editors Note: Many thanks to Congressman Anaxima for this article. If you are interested in having an article published in the Tribune, please do get in touch. And don't forget to join us on the forums;