Why Should You Move to Northern Ireland(Ireland)

Day 466, 05:08 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Liam Smith

Hello eWorld. I extend an invitation to anyone who wants to move to Northern Ireland. And for those who don't i will tell why you SHOULD move to N.I.

1. Hospital= Northern Ireland is one of the few places in the World and the only place in the UK to have a Q5 hospital. So you will be able to fight a other day.

2. Safe= NI is very safe from invasion because we only border 1 country that is Ireland who we have a alliance with. And we also have the biggest Royal Navy base in the UK. So you will be safe from invaders.

3. Health= we have our own NHS clinic to help the people of NI get a high wellness. We also have the UKs first Benefits office called the Northern Ireland Social Benefits Office or NISBO for short. They are there to help people get back on their feet, and to help people to buy a house.

4 Pretty Active Forums so you can have a bit caric and form friends pretty easy.

5. a better chance of being elected to congress because its a small region so there is less people to vote for your enemy and because the UK only has a couple of regions more people get elected from each region.

So For a New life and a chance to change your life move to Northern Ireland. If you need a moving ticket, I will try my best to get you one, it will be hard since the eUK is in about to go bankrupt,

Liam Smith
Senator For Transport for the Northern Ireland Senate. and the MP for Northern Ireland