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Congress election: the statistics – FHD the most efficient party

9 Day 1,468, 04:59 Published in Sweden Sweden Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Note: Click the image for bigger resolution.

Flashback Sweden [FBS] is still the biggest party in Sweden read more »

[Swe] w3st3rb3rg, en gigant lämnar sitt parti!

8 Day 1,467, 15:55 Published in Sweden Sweden Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Under lördagen skrev den före detta presidenten w3st3rb3rg en liten kommentar på Partiets öppna forum: "Lämnar Partiet officiellt för att vara fristående." Kommentaren var inget skämt.

Article by [url=
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Comments: Swedish soldiers about Norway

8 Day 1,467, 03:28 Published in Sweden Sweden Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

I have collected some of the comments I've recieved under my articles about Norway. These comments are 17 to 1 days old. Some of the comments has slightly been modified, but the meaning has not been changed.

Article by [url= more »

WAR! Top secret campaign against Norway initiated!

21 Day 1,466, 12:59 Published in Sweden Sweden Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Sweden has been fighting a war with its western neighbor Norway for quiet some time now. It has been one of them arranged wars, for leveling. Sweden takes one province, Norway takes it back. Then redo. Redo. Redo. Over and over. And over again.[/read more »

Co za asy

4 Day 1,465, 12:45 Published in Sweden Sweden Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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