Congress election: the statistics – FHD the most efficient party

Day 1,468, 04:59 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

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Flashback Sweden [FBS] is still the biggest party in Sweden with 37% of the seats in the congress. But the most efficient party is Folhemsdemokraterna [FHD] who have a better spread of support across Sweden and got better results compared to their actual voting power. The biggest losers during this months of elections are Nybörjardemokraterna [NBD] who show bad numbers in every category.

Article by Toothpaste

Congress vs member
In total the five biggest parties in Sweden have 659 members, out of these 277 players belong to FBS. That's astonishing 42 percent. Yet FBS only managed to get 37% of the seats in the congress. That's a negative difference of 5 percent points. FHD on the other hand has a positive difference of 10 percent points.

Reasonable explanation to this could be that FBS has a very concentrated röstboskap in few of the regions while FHD has its members spread out more. Another reason could also be that FHD has more active members, who are willing to move to different regions during the election to vote strategically. Another reason could be that FHD has bigger support from parties that didn't take part in the election.

Votes compered to members
FBS, FDH and Partiet [P] are actually getting more votes than they have members. While Marknadspartiet [MP] and NBD are getting less. It almost looks like if members of MP and NBD voted for the other parties rather than on their own candidates.