Comments: Swedish soldiers about Norway

Day 1,467, 03:28 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste
I have collected some of the comments I've recieved under my articles about Norway. These comments are 17 to 1 days old. Some of the comments has slightly been modified, but the meaning has not been changed.

Article by Toothpaste

Fredrick Thornblad, Day 1,466
No matter how you interpret what is going on in the 'war' between Sweden and Norway, the past battles have been jokes to build up each others military might, which does help, but can only go on for so long before someone takes it too far. (or in this case, takes more territory for their own use) I am only surprised that it didn't happen before, as Sweden have needed to expand for a long time.

Jokorne, Day 1,450
The Norwegians should migrate to Sweden and become part of Sweden. Norwegians would received better production bonus.

Quicktech, Day 1,450
Norway = EDEN (alliance) Sweden = ONE (alliance)
EDEN + ONE = Enemies

intyala, Day 1,450
I know how Norway's has been acting against us in the past so why should we be good to them?

w3st3rb3rg (ex president), Day 1,450
Norway is part of EDEN (an enemy alliance). This makes deals with Norway unthinkable. Norway should leave EDEN.

Seblas, Day 1,450
No to imperialistic war against Norway. Yes to all countries' sovereignty.

Kain Propan, Day 1,450
War with Norway is, as I can see it, not negative for Sweden in any way.

Mcrave, Day 1,466
Finish Norway and let them see that we swedes are strong.