War Heats Up Again

Day 693, 15:55 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

For the first time in several days, the world war has had a warm-up. About 30 minutes ago, Sweden attacked the UK held region of Midtjylland (I know, there is no human way to pronounce this name). Although the battle is still very early, the Sweden appear to be off to a good start, with the wall at -24k. Admittedly, this early in the battle numbers like this mean nothing, it is still a nice sight to see. This has been the first offensive action in the war in close to a week. Sweden has about half the population of the UK, so the statistics are slightly skewed in the UK's favor without any MPPs to help the swedes out. However those Swedes are tough guys. They have a higher average level and average strength than the UK, and they can make up for the number deficit if given a chance, something I think we will see here. All we an do is wish our good friends in Scandinavia good luck, we know you guys can do it!

Back at home, we can give a big thanks to Max McFarland for giving us a Q5 Defense System to put in our new fortress state: California. His plan to provide nearly free Q5 DS and Hospitals is incredibly generous, and we will definitely benefit from his efforts for a very long time to come. Max, we all thank you!

Other than that, not much is going on. The American front is most likely not going to move for a while, and the only other battles going on are training wars. All in all, today has been pretty quiet, a trend that has continued throughout the last week, and will most likely continue for a while. But even though we are not fighting, we have to remember that the war is still on, and we a that today with Sweden. Keep up the good fight America, and all of our allies! have a great night everyone!