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Sweden is Not Enough!

8 Day 354, 16:50 Published in Sweden Sweden

You might need to read my last article to get up to speed on what's happened with our heroes last!

Thank god I didn't opt for the fuel efficient model of my Q3 Mercedes … read more »

My Plans for Developing Denmark

4 Day 339, 05:53 Published in Sweden Sweden

As far as I can tell, Danish independence seems to be imminent. First I would like to comment on the peace movement that has developed in E-Sweden. To be honest I was quite shocked actually that we would ever gain sympathy from the Swedes. I've been

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Temporary break in article writing

3 Day 331, 16:04 Published in Sweden Sweden

To be quite honest it has a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand anything about Erepublik.
It was much easier to be new to the old system because you could get a good grasp of the basic concept. It's a bit more difficult in this

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No one can run for Party President in DGIN

4 Day 330, 13:52 Published in Sweden Sweden

Does anyone know what the problem is? And somehow Skinke was made party president. This is very annoying.

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In the Blink of an Eye

8 Day 323, 16:43 Published in Sweden Sweden

I fell to the ground with a thud. When you see someone fall to the ground after a punch in the movies, they usually get right back up. Let me tell you something, that's not how it

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