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[HYHB] New shares

8 Day 1,119, 04:52 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

We are issuing 5000 new shares, while 2901 had been reserved. Another 2099 will be sell to public!

We accept gold this time, as well as MYR.

Shareholder please vote:

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[PO/HYHB] I am back!/HYHB

1 Day 1,117, 20:06 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I am back

After few days of vacation, I have come back to my home and regain my connection to eRepublik. Sorry for any late reply on the message. Since the eMED (eMalaysian Entrepreneur Division) had started its work, I will try my best to … read more »

[HYHB] Hong Yun Holdings Berhad

3 Day 1,113, 16:16 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

My article again! lol

This article is to inform everybody that I will have no internet connection from today until Saturday. All request or other things that send to HYHB or its org will be process after i come back. The project to acquire eMYTC

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[HYHB/MIC] Acquisition of eMYTC

2 Day 1,113, 02:55 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

I had send a message to JS few hours ago and tell him my interest to buy the whole eMalaysian Traning Camp include all its currency and companies. As it is a public company/org, so i need to buy the portion/shares from the donors. So I hope you all

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[HYHB] Report

4 Day 1,112, 07:42 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Since got people want to understand our update and some information, so i write a special report (like monthly report) for 28 Nov to 5 Dec. The report for this period will also included in Dec Report also.

Microsoft(need to download, don't know

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