[PO/HYHB] I am back!/HYHB

Day 1,117, 20:06 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Global Bank Malaysia
I am back

After few days of vacation, I have come back to my home and regain my connection to eRepublik. Sorry for any late reply on the message. Since the eMED (eMalaysian Entrepreneur Division) had started its work, I will try my best to educate the newbies that assigned to me.

eMYTC acquisition

I had transform all the donation to the shares, if you donate 0.01g you will get 1 shares. However, you will not receive any dividend or refund because you did not reply my message, and you will be consider as 'inactive'. New status of eMYTC (eMalaysian Training Camp) is subsidiary of HYHB and below is the list of shareholder:

Malaysia Investment Corporation-6845(48.40😵
Hong Yun Holdings Berhad-2000(14.14😵
PACMAN HQ-2000(14.14😵*
Carr De Vaux-772(5.46😵*

*-will be refund soon.

HYHB dividend

HYHB had paid total 450 MYR of dividend to all its shareholders. If you are our shareholder and you didn't get any dividend, contact me. Next dividend will be paid on 25 Dec 2010. DIVIDEND WILL BE PAID ACCORDING TO OUR PROFIT.

HYBB (Hong Yun Banking Berhad)

HYBB's operation had been stopped entirely today. All deposit had been returned to its owner with the interest. If no problem occurred. the banking service will be restart on January next year. Its interest will also decrease to a reasonable rates.
