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[CP] Krátká zpráva/Short notice

1 Day 2,923, 04:31 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Vážení občané,

dnes opět stručně. Pokud jste ještě nečetli tento článek: [url= … read more »

Czechball Report (aka "What is going on in the eWorld?" )

11 Day 2,923, 00:31 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Greetings, people of eAustralia. I know you are probably busy all the time with all your airstrikes, training wars and rental deals, but there are other events in the eWorld, that deserve your attention … read more »

[CP] Czechball Report 2

29 Day 2,921, 09:44 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Upozornění: Všechny obrázky budou v zjednodušené angličtině, které doufám bude většread more »

[CP] Ústava (a více) / Constitution (and more) [CZ/EN]

7 Day 2,920, 10:30 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Vážení občané,

dovoluji si oznámit, že se mi podařilo splnit jeden z mých cílů … read more »

Main paper of Zelené Socialisté - commentary [EN]

32 Day 2,919, 12:39 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear citizens,

today, I'll discuss an interesting and completely new topic. And I will do it not as a CP, but as an active politican and someone who cares about the well-being of this country. … read more »