[CP] Ústava (a více) / Constitution (and more) [CZ/EN]

Day 2,920, 10:30 Published in Czech Republic Iran by Janty F

Vážení občané,

dovoluji si oznámit, že se mi podařilo splnit jeden z mých cílů - a to úpravy Ústavy. Navrhované úpravy sice nejsou nijak výrazné, nicméně jsem si jistý, že s nimi bude naše Ústava opět o krůček lepší. V příštích dnech požádám diktátora o překlad ústavy do češtiny a obě verze budou pak vydány v novinách Ministerstva populace. Nicméně náhled změn uvedu již zde (tučně zvýrazněny nové pasáže):

Art 4. The Council of the Republic is composed by all former CPs (from the introduction of dictatorship to the present), all PPs and 1 Congressmember of each party (nominated by PP of the party).

Art 12. The Council of the Elders is composed by 3 latest former CP...

New Art 1. All mеmbers of the Council needs to be adult citizens and live atleast 3 months in the eCzech Republic prior to their membership.

New Art 2. Acting against the Constitution will be punished by the Council depending on how seriously was the Constitution breached.

Má práce s Radou však ještě nekončí a brzy ji nechám svolat znovu, abychom spolu prodiskutovali náš determination bonus a jeho reset.

V dalších zprávách:
Zřejmě už jste zaslechli o míru Izraele s Egyptem a možná se brzy v Nebule odehraje další radostná událost. Czechball se v dalším vydání mých novin vydá celou situaci prozkoumat.
Ke slibované soutěži snad dojde tento víkend, spolu se spuštěním osmého výročí eRepublik. Bude trvat do konce roku.
Byl jsem jmenován jako neoficiální kandidát na prezidenta (asi abych v druhém období mohl dohnat své resty 😃 ).


CP and MoFA of eCzech Republic
PR of Nebula

Dear citizens,

I hereby announce that I was able to fulfill one of my goals - the changing of Constitution. The selected changes are not so big, but I'm sure they will improve our Constitution anyway. In the next few days, I'll ask the Dictator to translate the Constitution into Czech language and both versions will be released in the newspapers of Ministry of Population. But I'll show you here the changes anyway (highlighted by bold font):

Art 4. The Council of the Republic is composed by all former CPs (from the introduction of dictatorship to the present), all PPs and 1 Congressmember of each party (nominated by PP of the party).

Art 12. The Council of the Elders is composed by 3 latest former CP...

New Art 1. All mеmbers of the Council needs to be adult citizens and live atleast 3 months in the eCzech Republic prior to their membership.

New Art 2. Acting against the Constitution will be punished by the Council depending on how seriously was the Constitution breached.

My job with the Council is however not done yet and I'll let the Councill to be summoned again soon in order to discuss the determination bonus and its reset.

In other news:
You have probably heard about the peace between Israel and Egypt. And soon, Nebula might face another happy event. Czechball is going to explore the situation in the next Czechball Report.
I'll hopefully be able to launch my competition this weekend, together with the launch of 8th anniversary of eRepublik. The competition will last till the end of the year.
I was unofficially selected as a candidate for president (probably so I can do all the work I haven't finished this month 😃 ).


CP and MoFA of eCzech Republic
PR of Nebula