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12 days of Christmas (eRep version)

11 Day 2,955, 11:35 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

If you do not know the melody of this Christmas carol, click HERE!

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[CP] Veselé Vánoce!/Merry Christmas! [CZ/EN]

9 Day 2,954, 06:40 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Vážení občané a přátelé,

dovolte mi, abych Vás ve vánočním období seznámil s něč … read more »

[CP] Building up that TW hype

5 Day 2,951, 10:07 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Máte stejně jako já málo RW medailí? Máte stejně jako já nulový (nebo téměř nulový) TP … read more »

[CP] Free Norway!

1 Day 2,950, 23:15 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Battle orders Battle orders

President's note: Democracy and freedom are great values and no community deserves to be oppressed by foreign MTO-ers. Especially not active communities, like a Norwegian one. Please, go and help Norway to get back their freedom. Let's read more »

[CP] TW - eHungary and eCzech Republic

7 Day 2,950, 11:26 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Omlouvám se za neexistenci české verze. Pokud budu mít v příštích dnech čas, pokusím read more »