[CP] TW - eHungary and eCzech Republic

Day 2,950, 11:26 Published in Czech Republic Iran by Janty F

Omlouvám se za neexistenci české verze. Pokud budu mít v příštích dnech čas, pokusím se ji dodat. Zároveň se omlouvám za to, že stále ještě neproběhl diktátorský převrat. Přípravy jsou však již dokončeny a nyní již společně s naším osvoboditelem čekáme jenom na x6BH den, abychom mohli všichni v boji získat víc zlata za BH medaile 🙂 .

Dear citizens,

in the next few days (by which I mean on Sunday) we will start a TW with our neighbour, eHungary. I hope this TW will bring you a lot of excitement, fun and TP/RW/FF medals. It should also help us to establish friendly relations with eHungary, which I consider to be an important part of our foreign politics. The agreement signed by representatives of both parties can be seen below:

The Plan of TW will be following:

1. eCzech Republic will declare NE on eHungary. eHungary will win the first battle.
2. eHungary will attack Moravia and win the battle.
3. eHungary will attack Southern Bohemia and win the battle.
4. A RW in Moravia will be started and eCzech Republic will liberate the region.
5. eHungary will attack Northern Bohemia (according to rule 2.) and win the battle.
6. A RW in Southern Bohemia will be started and eCzech Republic will liberate the region.
7. eHungary will attack Moravia (according to rule 2.) and win the battle.
8. A RW in Northern Bohemia will be started and eCzech Republic will liberate the region.
9. eHungary will attack Southern Bohemia (according to rule 2.) and win the battle.
10. Steps 4. - 9. will be repeated during the TW. If The Plan of TW is not fulfilled, the governments of both countries are obliged to agree upon new TW plan.

The rules of TW are :

1. eHungary can't occupy all Czech regions at the same time.
2. eHungary can't start the direct attack until the Czech side will not lead their resistance war with 40 points.
3. The tax revenue generated by occupied Czech regions will be repaid to the Czech Republic at the end of each term, the 5th of the month, in one amount.
4. eHungary will also pay 2000 currency per every direct battle, it will also paid in one ammount at the 5th of the month.
5. If there will be less than 10 direct battles because of eHungary's fault, eHungary will pay 20.000 currency at the end of this term to cover Czech Republic's MPP losses.
6. The governments of the two countries will inform each other about any action which could affect the other country's sovereignty.
7. The agreement will not renew automatically, the new governments have to make a conversation about the continuation of the agreement at the 6th day of the new month.
8. The Training War will end with eCzech Republic reclaiming its original regions and both countries proposing No-NE-laws.


CP of eHungary

Janty F
CP of the eCzech Republic

Dictator of the eCzech Republic

Hungarian article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-voeh-tw-between-ehungary-and-the-eczech-republic-2571773/1/20