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Xigna vs Hada-Claudia [PFdR]

39 Day 756, 05:21 Published in Romania Romania

Cred ca se observa usor ca lupta pentru presedintia Partidului Femeilor din Romania se da intre mine (Xigna) si Hada-Claudia.
Da, sunt barbat si candidez in Partidul Femeilor. Desi pare a fi un paradox, va garantez ca nu vin sa fac Take

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HelloMatza! HelloKitty! [RO/EN]

6 Day 747, 04:58 Published in Romania Romania

Ma trezesc azi dimineata si ce vad? Adiemus la noi a castigat (ii urez mult succes) avand ca unul din obiective capturarea regiunii HelloMatza a ungurilor. Pe cealalta parte, Kopanel, marele viteaz e tare setos dupa ceva apa din read more »

A History Lesson for eHungary.

157 Day 742, 22:08 Published in Hungary Hungary

I know that most of the citizens of eHungary are new players, so I thought that I should enlighten them with a small History lesson.

Some months ago, there were a couple of battles, and they ended something like this:
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PD: o usuratica a politicii.

6 Day 738, 11:23 Published in Romania Romania

Probabil ca multi ati aflat din presa despre asa zisa fuziune dintre eRBP si PMR.

Sunt curios cum se poate face o fuzine cand doar 2 persoane o pun la cale. Ca fost presedinte si congressman al eRBP nu am fost instiintat de
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From Romania with love! Greetings Russia! [Romanian Embassy] [EN/RU]

14 Day 737, 11:15 Published in Russia Russia

Greetings Russia!

I am Xigna, the newly appointed Romanian ambassador and liaison for Russia.

I know our two countries have a tumultuous past and that our relations
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