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Taxe pentru prosti.

11 Day 734, 08:39 Published in Romania Romania

Doua lucruri sunt sigure in viata : moartea si taxele.

Dupa cum puteti observa, in acest moment maretul nostru congres voteaza un pachet de legi noi (15% income se va mari la 19% + taxe de import raw marite la 4😵 care se vor a fi mai
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De ce am luptat in Iran? Orgoliu ranit?

55 Day 695, 15:19 Published in Romania Romania

Am primit ordin de la unitate sa ma duc in Iran si apoi sa lupt in Uttar Pradesh.
Ca orice bun soldat, m-am dus si am luptat.

Ce ma intreb eu este de ce Romania read more »

Razboi Romania - Ungaria

5 Day 694, 05:44 Published in Romania Romania

Buna ziua,

[wtf]"Am citit articolului lui Feherlofia Koppany si vreau sa declar, ca sunt idiot, si cred in
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The Idea of REAL wargames between Hungary and Romania.... is STUPID

6 Day 692, 09:52 Published in Romania Romania

Hi, my name is Flaholflifiliaomania Krummpannnyonyny (erm, or something like that, I don't speak Mordor Language), and I think that a wargame between Romania and Hungary is a good idea.

We certainly don't have the nuts (as in walnuts) to attack

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21 Day 681, 13:55 Published in Sweden Sweden

Hide the women and children! Pray to your Gods, hide in your basements, the dreaded English are invading us!

[img][/img] … read more »